Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes: Whether it’s your first wedding anniversary or your 50th anniversary, your anniversary is a special day to tell your partner how much you love them. This list of 100+ Happy Anniversary Wishes is here to help anyone who has ever been stuck on what special wishes to write in a Happy Anniversary card or what to say on that special day.
Whether you’re planning to cook a special anniversary dinner or take your spouse on a romantic anniversary getaway, this happy anniversary wishes list can help you create cute and memorable messages to write on a card or inspirational wedding and love quotes List. You can even throw a funny wedding joke into the mix!
We’ve rounded up over 100+ happy anniversary wishes to include in a card, social media post, flirty text, or out loud to tell your partner how much you love and appreciate them. It doesn’t matter if it’s your 1st wedding anniversary or 50, these messages will help you express your love for that special someone by your side.
Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes

This happy anniversary wish list, messages and quotes is here to help you, whether it’s your 1st wedding anniversary or 50th.
1. Happy Anniversary! It’s such a blessing to have you in my life!
2. Happy Anniversary! May God continue to bless you and keep you happy.
3. The sweetest of anniversaries are the result of enduring life’s most difficult situations. Happy Anniversary, love.
4. May the love we share become stronger as we grow older together. I wish you a lifetime of happiness. Happy Anniversary!
5. I wish you and I a happy, healthy and lovely life together in the future, just as we did years ago.
6. Happy Anniversary, dear! May our beautiful bond last forever!
7. I appreciate God for bringing you into my life. Happy anniversary, sweetheart! I love you!
8. Every time I think of the incredible love we share, my heart melts. I hope it will continue to thrive and expand for many years to come. Happy Anniversary.
9. Happy Anniversary! May the happiness of this day linger forever and till the last breath.
10. Accepting to spend the rest of my life with you was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
11. May we never lose sight of what brought us together and what brings us great joy.
12. I’m delighted to have you in my life. Thank you once again for everything! Wishing you a happy anniversary!
13. May we always share this relationship with a kiss of love and a hug of care.
14. I was a young child playing in a nursery, and you joined me on my journey of being “together forever.” My love, I wish you a happy anniversary!
15. May our love for each other last a lifetime, as we make a lovely couple. Happy anniversary, my love.
16. I can’t imagine waking up to anybody except you, and on our anniversary, I’ll guarantee it’ll always be you.
17. Aphrodite herself could never have created such a powerful tie as the one we have. May we always be surrounded by such incredible love and caring.
18. I’ve wanted to be selfish and make you mine since the day I met you, and I still want to do it now, even though it’s our anniversary.
19. We have an extraordinary amount of love and respect for one another and I am grateful for that. I wish you a happy anniversary, my love!
20. Today is a nice day to reflect and travel down memory lane, remembering all of the wonderful times we’ve shared together. Happy Anniversary!
Best Happy Anniversary Quotes

21. Happy anniversary to my life partner, and here’s to many more years of happiness ahead.
22. An anniversary isn’t measured in hours of the day, but in each minute when two people remain one.
23. Sharing a life is like sharing moments in time. The song is different for every one of us, but the dance is stunning.
24. You didn’t whisper into my ear; instead, you whispered into my heart. You kissed my soul rather than my lips.
25. When you can’t sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams, you know you’re in love.
26. I’m reminded why we’re meant for each other on this day, and every day.
27. I just wanted to let you know that whenever I see myself happy, it’s with you.
28. Because I saw how perfect you were, I fell in love with you. I realized you weren’t flawless, which made me love you even more.
29. Love isn’t blind; it sees more, not less, but it’s prepared to see less because it sees more.
30. As the years pass, love becomes more abundant, fast, and poignant.
31. My love for you becomes stronger every day, as I love you more now than yesterday and less tomorrow.
32. I could walk around my garden all day if I had a flower for every time I thought about you.
33. My eyes will always look for you in a sea of people.
34. You hold a special place in my heart that no one else could.
35. It was true love at first sight. I believe I have finally discovered my soulmate after all these years.
36. Even if we spent another year together, I’d still prefer you over a room full of puppies.
37. I will spend all of eternity loving, caring for, and respecting you, expressing every day that I hold you as high as the stars.
38. Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a decision, but I had no control over falling in love with you.
39. The greatest joy in life is knowing that we are loved; loved for who we are, or rather, loved in spite of who we are.
40. This particular day has been set aside exclusively for you. Happy Anniversary!
Best Happy Anniversary Messages

41. You were made to be loved – and I’ve loved you, in the idea of you, my entire life.
42. My heart is overflowing with things that only words can express. This is especially for you today, with all my love.
43. I laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more because of you.
44. My love for you will never fade. I’ve loved you for years and will continue to love you till the day I die. Happy Anniversary, love!
45. Being with you is similar to that delicious cup of coffee I have every morning. Even though I drink it every day, I still appreciate it.
46. Every love story is distinct, one-of-a-kind, and lovely, but ours is my personal favorite. Happy Anniversary!
47. Another year has passed since I first met the person of my dreams. I am grateful for each year spent with you.
48. Happy Anniversary! I would find you sooner and love you longer if I could turn back the clock.
49. Thank you for being my lifelong companion. Thank you so much for bringing such joy to my heart. Happy anniversary and I love you so much!
50. Happy Anniversary! Your love is always a breath of fresh air amidst all the hardships, disappointments, and lost hopes and dreams.
51. Happy Anniversary, dear. Thank you for always forgiving me, believing in me, and sticking with me no matter what.
52. May our love for each other grow stronger with each passing year, like a rose. Happy Anniversary!
53. May one magnificent year of happiness and joy be followed by many more. Let us rejoice and make today an occasion to remember.
54. I am the happiest, most grateful, and luckiest person on the planet because you are at my side. Happy Anniversary to you, my love!
55. I am enjoying a life that is precisely how I imagined it to be thanks to you, my dear. Happy Anniversary.
56. Even though it’s our anniversary, nothing has changed. I still miss you a lot even if you’re only gone for a minute!
57. With you, forever isn’t long enough. Happy Anniversary, my dear.
58 . On our anniversary, you’ve made me laugh, appreciate you, learn, develop, and be oh so grateful we’re together for another 365 days.
59. May your dreams come true – today, tomorrow, and always. Happy first wedding anniversary love of my life.
60. Completing a year full of love and happiness makes me hopeful for our future together. Happy 1st Anniversary, Love.
Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Wife

61. It’s our marriage anniversary today and all I can think about is how empty my life would have been without you in it. So thank you for being so amazing! I Love You.
62. I have often wondered how I got so lucky! I found my best friend, my soulmate, and my critic in one :P. Happy Wedding Anniversary love. Thank you for showing me what true love looks like!
63. Thank you for standing by my side through everything. Happy Anniversary.
64. I am grateful for all the love and happiness you have brought to my life. Thank you (name). Happy Wedding Anniversary.
65. You are the perfect definition of a ‘better half’. You pick up the pieces I couldn’t find in the puzzle of life. Thank you for completing me.
66. Could we ‘be’ more in love? Thank you for being the Monica to my Chandler. I love you, honey. Happy Wedding Anniversary.
67. You are the reason why I believe in miracles now. Happy Wedding Anniversary my beautiful partner.
68. Here’s to a whole year of tolerating each other’s whims and fancies and somehow falling in more and more love with each other every day. I love you my wifey! Happy Wedding Anniversary.
69. Can you believe it? You married ‘this’. Hahahhaaha and you are doing a heck of a job as my partner. Happy wedding anniversary my beautiful.
70. I want Forever with you. But I don’t know if forever is enough! Happy Wedding Anniversary my one and only!
Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Husband

71. I must be lucky because I found the kind of love they write novels about. Thank you for being the best husband one can ask for! Happy anniversary my dearest husband or ‘add the name’.
72. This is what crazy, romantic, epic love stories look like, don’t they? I am so glad my story begins and ends with you. Happy Anniversary (name)/husband.
73. You taught me how to let go of all my fears and fall head over heels. Thank you for being so damn amazing! Happy Marriage Anniversary husband/life partner/name.
74. No matter where we go in life, we will always have each other. Raising a toast to this promise of forever. Happy Wedding Anniversary love/husband/name.
75. Dear better half, thank you for making this journey so special. I am always looking forward to the next day with you. Happy anniversary.
76. Happy Wedding Anniversary love. You are so perfect at being a husband and father. It fills my heart with pride and joy to see you living life to the fullest and being there for the kids through everything.
77. With you, every day is a huge gift. And the best thing about our relationship? We never enjoy this gift or carry its weight alone. Happy Wedding Anniversary love.
78. Whenever I think you will be there in my life forever, the hopes of my present and dreams of my future become real! Thanks for a wonderful life with you!
79. You are everything I desire and everything I ever dreamt of. I feel so lucky every second for having you in my life. Happy wedding anniversary!
80. Whether it is the first or the fiftieth, every anniversary is a testament to our patience and perseverance in tackling life together as a couple. Happy wedding anniversary.
Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes to Sister

On her Wedding Anniversary Wishes, tell her exactly how much her happiness means to you with honest and loving happy marriage anniversary wishes and quotes for your sister.
81.Happy wedding anniversary dear sister and brother-in-law. May your lives be filled with adventure, and happiness and your love for each other be never-ending. Have a blast!
82. I feel elated when I see you smiling beside your partner. You two make the best couple in the world! Be blessed and enjoy every moment of your life. I wish you the best wedding anniversary ever!
83. May you continue to nourish, love, cherish and honor one another for all the years to come. Happy wedding anniversary. May God bless you two together, always.
84. Congrats my little diva! You have spent another year together. You both were always made for each other. Wish you and my brother-in-law a very Happy Wedding Anniversary.
85. All I want for you, my dear elder sister, is a life full of love and happiness. Stay happy always. Happiest Wedding Anniversary wishes to you and jiju. May God always bless you.
86. In a world full of adversities, you have always been my guiding light. Thank you Didi. Happy Anniversary. Love you always and forever.
87. Raising a cup today, to your limitless love and inspiring commitment for each other. I look at you and wish I find a love like yours. Happy Wedding Anniversary you two!
88. Happy Anniversary behna! Regardless of the time and the year, you will always be my little doll. Love you so much.
89. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. You deserve all the happiness in this world and more! Hope this day makes you happier and showers you with blessings every year.
90. On this wedding anniversary, I pray that you and jij continue to love and support each other till the end of time. Your pair was made in heaven and we are inspired by your commitment every day. Keep shining together!
Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Brother

The beauty of your relationship with your brother will always be surreal. There aren’t enough words to describe the transition from brother to the little monkey he was, to a caring and protective figure in his life. If your Wedding Anniversary Wishes is just around the corner, find the right anniversary quotes to shower love and affection on him and his sister-in-law. Here is a happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes list in English, for your favorite couple.
91. Wishing you both the best in life. May you achieve everything you ever wanted from happiness to success. Lots of love on your wedding anniversary.
92. Happy wedding anniversary you guys. Now that it’s been some time since your wedding, wouldn’t this be a good time to adopt me? 😀 I seriously love you guys.
93. Dear brother, seeing you happy with the love of your life- makes me so happy. I am fortunate to have you guys as my family. Happy wedding anniversary, may Lord bless you two.
94. It feels like yesterday that you two started dating and now we are celebrating your first wedding anniversary. Sending my warmest hugs and kisses, guys. May God bless you, always.
95. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought you would be such a great husband. Proud of you, man. Sending you all my love and blessings on your wedding anniversary.
96. Nothing is more beautiful than to see you and your partner united and happy. May your love always be there as the first year of your wedding, Brother!
97. In awe of the beautiful journey the two of you share… Thank you for inspiring us every day. Happy marriage anniversary to both of you 🙂
98. I have seen you go through so many phases in life, but trust me, this is my favorite phase. You have grown into a wonderful man and bhabhi must be so proud. So am I! Happiest marriage anniversary Bhai. Lots of love.
99. Happy Wedding Anniversary to my beautiful bhabhi and amazing Bhai. Congrats on completing another wonderful year together. Lots of love to both of you.
100. Sending love and best wishes to you and bhabhi for the faraway family. We might not be physically around you right now, but you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Happy Wedding Anniversary.
Happy Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Parents

101. Couples like you are hard to find nowadays. Your long-lasting marriage almost seems like a fairy tale to us. Happy anniversary dear mom and dad!
102. I can’t tell you how often I’m inspired by the love you two share together. Sending you all my well wishes for the coming years.
103. You have proved to the entire world that true love does exist and nothing can damage or destroy it if two people are committed to each other. Happy anniversary!
104. You two have taught us how to love someone unconditionally and how to hold on to each other even when times are tough. You are the perfect couple in the world. Happy anniversary mom and dad!
105. It’s been a long journey but surely filled with many happy memories. Wishing both of you a happy anniversary. May you continue to bless us for another thousand years!
106. You two are a living example of how a couple can be committed to their love and nurture a family‘s growth year after year. Happy wedding anniversary to you
107. It’s been a long journey but surely filled with many happy memories. Wishing both of you a happy anniversary. May you continue to bless us for another thousand years!
108. Most people find it hard to believe in “forever”, but seeing the never ending love between both of you makes me believe in “forever”. Happy anniversary mom and dad.
109. Mummy and papa, happy anniversary! Every day, the two of you teach me the essence of true love. I hope to be lucky enough to have a love like yours one day.
110. Congratulations on passing one more year in loving each other and creating memories together. Many more to come for sure. Happy anniversary dear mom and dad!
Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Friends

111. Happy anniversary to the cutest couple in the world. From the day you held hands, it was so evident that the two of you are meant to be.
112. Happy anniversary wishes to the best couple ever. Thank you for reinforcing my belief in Bollywood romance and romantic novels. Have the best year together!
113. From best friends to the best couple – you two are couple goals! Happy wedding anniversary. Keep growing together.
114. You two make an adorable couple now and forever – sending the best wishes and so much love to the best couple on your marriage anniversary.
115. There is nothing more beautiful to behold than a wonderful marriage between two beautiful people. Happy anniversary, my friends.
116. A very happy anniversary day to you two! It’s a great pleasure to wish you both the greatest day of your life. May God bless u both and make your relationship even stronger with each passing day.
117. For some people, a perfect marriage may not even exist. But for me, it is a real thing and it exists. It exists between you both. Happy anniversary you two!!
118. Happy wedding Anniversary to the most special couple! Together you two create magic and I wish you two never lose this connection.
119. Sending you two lots of love and joy on this special day of yours! May u be blessed by Almighty during your years of companionship and everlasting love! Happy Wedding Anniversary.
120. May the sun always shine on the path that you share. May the moon and stars always light your hearts with care. Sending you lots of love and happiness for this amazing milestone in your life. Happy Anniversary to both you!!